Introducing Rite-in-the-Rain Paper!

Rite-in-the-RainTM paper now available at Compass Printing Plus!

That’s right, the same paper made famous in the Rite-in-the-RainTM notebooks and planners is now available from Compass Printing Plus! Let us print your very own all-weather documents, maps, brochures and photos on paper that can survive any outdoor office. Protects against water, sweat, grease and mud! Even in extreme conditions, print won’t rub or wash off Rite in the Rain paper. And it’s archival-grade and water-resistant to defend your prints against Mother Nature & Father Time.

Choose Rite-in-the-Rain paper when asking for your quote. If the option isn’t available in the paper stock dropdown, simply ask us when you reach the comment section and we’ll let you know if the paper will work with your project!

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